Introducing "Incompliant On Road" #saferRoad
We're excited to introduce a new compliance status: "Incompliant On Road". Not often we introduce a new status, not because it is difficult, but because each addition will increase the complexity of our product, making our user workflow more complicated.
Our job is to reduce the noises.
But we believe this new status is essential. It provides a unique signal to alert you when a driver should not be operating, making roads safer for everyone.
Why Incompliant On Road?
Haul's Compliance Enforcer continuously evaluate more than 80+ input in every driver files we boiled it down to one single binary status: Compliant vs. Incompliant.
However, we’ve identified situations where drivers marked as Incompliant—indicating they need to resolve compliance issues—are still being dispatched. We continue to receive HOS events, DVIRs and even safety events from Incompliant drivers which can compromise overall safety.
So what is 🔴 Incompliant On Road ?
Incompliant On Road are drivers that are having a compliance gap and Haul is receiving a regular signals from telematics, FMCSA that telling us that the drivers are actively being dispatched. Today's that window is 7 days (yes, that can be adjusted).
We believe introducing this will greatly simplify the process of identifying the driver (and asset) that needs to be prioritized by Safety & Compliance.
So what's next?
If you're interested in automatically blocking drivers from starting their pre-trip, putting the drivers on a "Do Not Dispatch" list until further investigation as soon as drivers are "Incompliant On Road", let us know